
Continent Countries Parks Coasters Ridden To Go Showmen Coasters Ridden To Go Funfairs Wood Steel Other Operating Defunct Bobsled Flying Inverted Pipeline Sit Down Stand Up Suspended Wing Strict Mountain Butterfly Powered Water Undefined Coasters
Africa 27 133 183 8 10 3 190 0 135 58 0 0 4 0 189 0 0 0 149 2 0 41 0 1 193
Asia 46 3012 5532 29 76 4 / 19 37 5559 3 3325 2274 10 16 137 11 5265 17 125 18 4366 117 5 906 20 185 5599
Australia 4 48 107 18 25 0 / 7 19 113 0 64 68 0 0 2 0 120 0 10 0 106 1 0 13 1 11 132
Europe 41 1372 3267 1104 1769 84 / 2565 310 4661 14 2670 2315 22 11 49 0 4740 5 148 10 3640 286 105 661 11 282 4985
North America 15 1485 3737 302 685 278 / 1629 1227 3189 1 1630 2787 21 15 68 3 4134 26 132 18 3884 72 0 260 6 195 4417
South America 12 253 422 58 112 0 / 5 5 524 0 287 242 1 0 14 0 499 0 15 0 455 6 0 58 0 10 529
Sum 145 6303 13248 1519 2677 366 / 4225 1601 14236 18 8111 7744 54 42 274 14 14947 48 430 46 484 110 1939 38 684 15855
Unique 11728 1820 1514 18 12016 7244 6304 45 37 232 8 12728 35 418 45 483 99 1682 38 635 13548
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Filters: Groups: Mountain Butterfly Powered Water Undefined This feature is only available with Coaster-Count TOTAL! Click for more info. Dein Forum über Achterbahnen · Freizeitparks · Kirmes FKF Freundeskreis Kirmes und Freizeitparks e.V. ECC European Coaster Club RCCGB Roller Coaster Club of Great Britain TPF CF CoasterForce CI Coaster Insanity RF Rollercoaster Friends HPworld ACE American Coaster Enthusiasts CW Coasters World TP BBCC Buzzed Bars Coaster Club TEA@ND Themed Entertainment Association at Notre Dame STT Seeking the Thrill Coasterpedia ThrillsTastic GOCC Great Ohio Coaster Club Parcs Passion